I made this ottoman 2 years ago when moving into my first solo apartment. I was trying to find one online and any large ottoman was pricey. I decided I'd give it a DIY try and see how well I could do.
I looked on Pinterest trying to figure out the best way to make one and created an attack plan.
Materials I Used
- 2 x 4's
- plywood square
- 4 decorative fence toppers (these will be used as your feet
- decorative wood trim (optional)
- spray adhesive
- foam - I used 4in thick
- muslin
- quilt batting
- staple gun
- fabric
- drill
- screws
Decide how large and what shape you want. Start out by cutting your 2 x 4s into 4 equal lengths (if you want a square) with a 45 degree angle on the end. Nail these together to create your base
Nail a fence topper to each corner to create the feet.
I used nailed decorative trim on the sides of the 2x4 to give it more of a finished look and painted it all white.
Take your plywood, this should be cut to be the same size as your 2x4 frame. Cut and arrange the foam on top to completely cover the wood surface. You are creating the cushion part on top.
I had troubles finding foam the exact size so I pieced it together to cover it. Use your spray adhesive to permanently attach the foam to the wood.
To eliminate the lines that piecing the foam together created and add a little more height I used a layer of quilting batting.
I also layered muslin prior to my final fabric to help smooth these lines out even more. I attached it in the same manner as the final fabric that I describe below.
I ordered this fabric from fabricguru.com. Sometimes it's easier for me to scroll through pictures than wonder around aimlessly at the fabric store. Fabric guru will send you a sample square for a $1 so you can feel and see it before ordering.
Place your fabric with outside face down.
Place your ottoman top down, plywood up in the center of your fabric.
Start on one side and use your staple gun to attach the fabric to the plywood.
I did the two opposite sides first, then the next two. I wrapped the corners like you would with a present.
Once all the fabric is stapled you can cut off any excess that you have.
To connect the top to the base use your drill and screws that are long enough to reach through the 2x4 and anchor to the plywood.
Flip over...
This time around I just recovered it and the design allowed me to reupholster it in about 20 minutes.